Understanding Marketing Communication Mix

Marketing is a very vast subject and learning various concepts and theories of marketing is essential to excel in the marketing field. One of the most important concepts is the marketing communication mix that you should learn and understand. It plays a very significant role in marketing. However, it is not an easy task because you might have limited time to go through all concepts and theories. So, we are here to provide you with these theories and concepts briefly and effectively so that you can easily understand and use them whenever needed. Now, let’s begin.

What is marketing communication?

Marketing communication is the process of creating, delivering, and exchanging messages with a target market to create value for the organization. In order to achieve this, businesses use a variety of marketing channels to reach their target market. These channels can include advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and digital marketing.

Importance of marketing communication

Marketing communication is an important aspect of any business, large or small. It helps businesses to promote their products or services to potential customers and build relationships with existing ones. An effective marketing communications strategy will help you to reach your target audience, build brand awareness, and ultimately generate more sales. There are several benefits of marketing communication. Let’s take a look.

Build brand awareness

One of the most important benefits of marketing communication is that it helps businesses to build brand awareness. In today’s competitive marketplace, it is essential for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Marketing communication can help you to do this by raising awareness of your brand and communicating your unique selling points (USPs). This will make it more likely that customers will remember your brand when they are making a purchase.

Generate leads

Effective marketing communication can also help you to generate leads. By raising awareness of your products or services, you will be more likely to attract the attention of potential customers. Once you have generated a lead, you can then start working on converting them into a sale.

Build relationships

Marketing communication is also a great way to build and maintain relationships with your customers. By regularly communicating with them, you will be able to keep them up-to-date with your latest products or services and build a rapport with them. This will make them more likely to do business with you in the future.

Build brand trust

Another important benefit of marketing communication is that it can help to build brand trust. In today’s world, consumers are bombarded with marketing messages from all sides. As a result, they can be skeptical of brands, and hesitant to make a purchase.

Reach the right audience

Marketing communication helps in reaching the right audiences. There is no point in promoting your products or services to people who are not interested in them. By targeting your communication, you can be sure that you are reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.

What is integrated marketing communication?

Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a strategic approach to marketing that seeks to create a unified and consistent message across all channels. It is the process of planning, implementing, and monitoring a comprehensive plan that promotes your brand or product through different forms of media. By using a variety of methods, including advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion, you can create a coordinated marketing effort that will be more effective than using any one method alone.

IMC is important because it allows you to reach your target audience through multiple channels, making it more likely that they will see, hear, and remember your message. Additionally, IMC can help you save money by eliminating the need to create separate campaigns for each channel. When done correctly, IMC can result in increased sales and brand awareness.

What is a marketing communication mix?

A marketing communication mix is a set of tools that a company can use to communicate with its customers. The most common tools are advertising, public relations, direct marketing, personal selling, and sales promotion. Each tool has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, which is why it’s important for businesses to have a diverse mix of tools at their disposal.


Advertising is one of the most common and well-known types of marketing communications. It’s also one of the most effective ways to reach a large audience with your message. Advertising can be done through traditional channels like television, radio, and print, or through newer channels like online advertising and social media. No matter what channel you choose, advertising is a great way to get your message out there and reach a wide audience.

Advantages of advertising

Advertising has a number of advantages that make it an attractive option for businesses. First, it’s a great way to reach a large audience with your message. Advertising is also relatively affordable, especially when compared to other marketing channels like public relations or direct marketing. Additionally, advertising can be very targeted, meaning you can choose to target specific demographics like age, gender, or location.

Disadvantages of advertising

Advertising also has some disadvantages. One of the biggest is that it can be intrusive and disruptive. Additionally, advertising is not always effective, and it can be expensive to produce high-quality ads. Finally, some people believe that advertising is unethical because it uses manipulative techniques to influence people’s behavior.

Public Relation

Public Relations is another important type of marketing communication. It can help you build relationships with key stakeholders, such as customers, employees, shareholders, and the media. Good public relations can help you manage your reputation, build brand awareness, and generate positive press coverage.

Advantages of public relations

Public Relations has a number of advantages that make it an attractive option for businesses. First, Public Relations is focused on building relationships, which can improve customer loyalty and brand awareness. Additionally, public relations can be used to create a positive image for the company, which can build trust with customers. Finally, Public Relations is often less expensive than advertising.

Disadvantages of public relations

Public Relations also has some disadvantages. One of the biggest is that it can be time-consuming to build relationships with key audiences. Additionally, Public Relations is not always effective, and it can be difficult to measure the results of a public relations campaign. Finally, some people believe that public relations are unethical because it uses manipulative techniques to influence people’s behavior.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is a type of marketing that involves delivering your message directly to your target audience. It can be done through direct mail, telemarketing, email marketing, or text messaging. Direct marketing is a great way to reach a specific group of people with your message and get them to take action.

Advantages of direct marketing

Direct marketing has a number of advantages that make it an attractive option for businesses. First, direct marketing is a great way to reach potential customers with your message. Additionally, direct marketing is relatively affordable, and it can be very targeted. Direct marketing is often very effective, especially when used to generate leads or make sales.

Disadvantages of direct marketing

Direct marketing also has some disadvantages. One of the biggest is that it can be intrusive and disruptive. Additionally, direct marketing is not always effective, and it can be expensive to produce high-quality direct mail or telemarketing campaigns. Finally, some people believe that direct marketing is unethical because it uses manipulative techniques to influence people’s behavior.

Personal Selling

Personal selling is a form of marketing communication that involves face-to-face interaction between a salesperson and a potential customer. It is an important tool for businesses that sell products or services that require a high level of personal interaction.

Advantages of personal selling

The main advantage of personal selling is that it allows businesses to build relationships with their customers. Personal selling also allows businesses to provide a high level of customer service. Additionally, personal selling is a great way to generate leads and make sales.

Disadvantages of personal selling

The main disadvantage of personal selling is that it can be expensive. Additionally, personal selling requires a lot of time and effort. Moreover, personal selling may not be appropriate for all products and services.

Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is a type of marketing communication that offers incentives to customers to encourage them to buy a product or service. It can take many forms, such as coupons, discounts, contests, and free samples.

Advantages of sales promotion

Sales promotions are a great way to increase sales and generate excitement about a product or service. Additionally, sales promotions can help you reach a new audience or market. Moreover, sales promotions can be used to build relationships with your customers.

Disadvantages of sales promotion

The main disadvantage of sales promotion is that it can be expensive. Additionally, sales promotions can often be gimmicky and may not provide a long-term solution to your marketing needs. Moreover, sales promotions can sometimes create an expectation of discounts, which can lead to customer dissatisfaction.

How to use marketing communication mix for a better result?

Now that you know the different types of marketing communication tools, it’s time to put them to use. To create an effective marketing communication mix, you should consider the following:

Your target audience: It is very important to identify the target audience because without identifying the target audience, you cannot design the marketing message. So, first of all, you need to identify the target audience.

Your objectives: After identifying the target audience, you need to develop objectives. Developing objectives is very significant because they guide the entire marketing effort in the right direction.

Your budget: Determining a budget is essential because marketing is a continuous process and if the budget will not be determined, you may end up spending lots of money. It is also important to determine the budget because you will have an idea to spend a particular amount on a particular activity.

Your resources: You also need to identify the available resources that you can use throughout the marketing communication process. Moreover, identifying resources also helps in resource allocation. Thus, identify and allocate resources effectively so that you can achieve the determined goals.

Determine marketing communication mix: After identifying the available resources, you need to determine which marketing communication mix elements will be used to communicate to the target audience.

Implement the marketing communication mix: This is the actual step in which you will implement the marketing communication mix to achieve the goals or objectives. You need to take action to make everything happens.

Monitor and control: This is the step in which you will monitor your marketing communication mix and control activities if they are deviating from the right path.


Hope this blog has helped you understand the concept of marketing communication and marketing communication mix. If you want more details, you can contact our team. We will also help you with your marketing assignments. So, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.